Thursday, June 3, 2010

an archbishop writes to the Anglican Communion...

I was unwilling to post a link to Archbishop Rowan William's letter to the Anglican communion until I read Bishop Katharine's response. I can't find that response on the web so I put it up on our parish web site.
A conversation, a "listening process" requires two participants. The way I read what the communion is saying to the episcopal church is "stop doing it" (or you will go blind?)"; no, "stop doing it" and you listen to us. Who is listening to the episcopal church?
A typical problem for conflict resolution. Every one is feeling wronged, or taking the role of the under-dog, the victim, it's all their fault...
Perhaps both bishops are trying to get beyond that. I just don't see it very clearly. (Maybe more clearly while writing this, but now I have to go and do women-in-black. There is still work to be done!
The Archbishop of Canterbury +Rowan Williams wrote to the Anglican Communion at Pentecost. A summary and link to the letter is at
Download the letter at the Archbishop of Canterbury's Pentecost Letter [89kbWordDoc]
Episcopalian (USA) Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori responds to the Archbishop of Canterbury's Pentecost letter.
(Brian has found it at

Colin Coward's comment is now on the changing attitude blog at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda

    You will find Bishop Jeffert chiri's superb pastoral letter at


