Friday, December 31, 2010

Floods (Burra photos)

It has only been three weeks since the post about our own flood here in Burra. Now the photos.
at 5.30am on the 9th December 2010:(see the December blog entry "The Creek is roaring")

The water came over the dam wall (which is visible on this photo, but the grass has been laid flat!) and almost to the fence across the creek. I reckon that this is the highest point that it has ever reached. Of course the valley was created at some time! A few hours later (8.20am) the level had gone down a bit. 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Feet penguin

Last night we watched "Happy Feet"; Fred had not seen it before. Yes, entertaining, but we wondered a bit about the anthropomorphism of it. But we shouldn't have worried. Today this video is on LOL Cats. These are real penguins, and the youngster is doing just what was being done in the movie! Had he been watching the movie?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Letter 2010

Christmas Greetings to those who read this blog! (are you out there Gladys?)
I won't point you to a clogged up personal web page, but a version of my christmas letter can be read at:


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Creek is roaring

At 4am on 9th December 2010. Fred read the rain gauge and we had had 73mm. Now it is nearly 5am and the rain is still falling heavily. We will have had three inches tonight. The creek is roaring below, the eastern verandah is swamped.
Our main worry is that the dam wall beside the creek might be weak. There was originally  a dug out area which looked as if a potter had been getting clay. That was what had led us to expect a clay floor to the dam. Unfortunately that was wrong. With the creek flooding as much as it is doing that will be a weak point. If it has not collapsed (and the night time is no time to look!) then that might be a place to dig out completely so that the dam is drained and no longer able to fill.
The wombat has dug a hole by the driveway coming down to the house. He would not have been able to cross the creek to the old burrow which is now being flooded for the third time in the last couple of months.
"Land of droughts and flooding rains". It certainly is. But we still remember thinking that it would never rain again. Tonight is similar to a night twenty five or thirty years ago when the rammed earth walls were finished to the lintel height and five inches of rain fell. We covered and re-covered the walls with plastic until the torches ran out. Then we retreated to the shed, lying in bed thinking that the walls would be simply mud in the morning. They were not. We built the lintel and put on the roof. Now we sit in the kitchen drinking tea as the rain pours down!