Friday, May 14, 2010

Lizards facing extinction with warming

I heard part of this on Friday as Andrew was doing some more electrical work that had been made necessary by our recent additions to our photovoltaic array.

The study in Mexico that is published in Science this week might have an explanation for the diminished skink population here. I had blamed the snake. I might have been wrong!

The skinks obviously do not like the heat on very hot days. I have had a papier mache cover on the wire over their birthing spot for some years now. But this year they didn't even get over to the mud bricks which had been a normal cool spot for them over the years. (ten or more?)

The study suggests that lizards need more than four hours in a day when they don't have to work at keeping cool, but can spend their energy getting food and doing all the social things that are needed to keep the population going. I doubt if our lizards would have that these days. They don't start to move without the sun being on their rocks (even if the morning is warm enough); then the sun is too hot on many summer days. (even in spring time we had a heat wave in 2009!)

When they come out of hibernation, perhaps I will feed them some more.

and on another note. The front verandah has been draped in gold for a few months. A "golden orb" spider took up residence near the clothes line that Mike put in. I have been surprised that she survived so long. She was there for some months and we have had some frosts. But 'Shelob' lost her life in Thursday's frost. On Wednesday Fred had seen the Wattle Bird having a go at the huge spider as she sat in the middle of her web. What a honey eater was doing looking at her I don't understand! I looked out at 5am on Thursday and she was still there. But by 7am the frost had come down (-1 I think) and she had gone.

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