Senators here would have heard me speak before about narrow military notions of military security and the extraordinary theft of resources from
genuine tools of security. Military security can do nothing to alleviate the greatest security challenge of our age, which is climate change.
Traditional tools of warfare are of absolutely no help at all when confronted by a tsunami, a hurricane, a flood, a virus or a water shortage.
The acquisition of arms and the current global military expenditure of $1.2 trillion a year still diverts enormous financial, technical and human
resources from where they are really needed.
Yes, I am a Green and a member of the party, but I am usually a bit "ho hum" on the way we argue "the case". But Scott is saying things here which need to be said. In a world that seems to have no limit on what we spend on toys for boys (we saw them gathered around a helicopter at Russell last week); and no limit on what we might dish out to keep the world financial system melting down...
in such a world, what is there to be done?
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