Thursday, April 19, 2018

St Philip's from Easter Three. Looking forward to Good Shepherd Sunday (22nd April 2018).

Dear Philippians!
welcome to new parishioners. This general email group includes many who are Philippians in their heart of hearts but live in many and varied places.
The drainage works should be finished and Pandora's open for business on Friday morning!
Thank You to all involved in this work!

a windy market day last Saturday! It was a miracle that the books roughly stayed where they were. The three amigos (men in black: Martin, Scott and Colin) fed the hungry hordes with their sausages, eggs and bacon! The morning tea did a constant steady job in a more sheltered place. Elizabeth and David entertained with their amazing craft work. Biscuits and jams and produce went well too.  Many neighbours, friends and family came along, with those who just came. Pandora's winter collection is well and truly launched. And there are diamonds! (still)

Perhaps we will soon feel we are in autumn. It just isn't too sure yet!
We will celebrate St Philip and St James on May 7th (and baptise young Adeline);
The ANU annual dinner and discussion is on the evening of May 16th. Should there be a theology school at ANU?

please continue in prayer for those on our prayer list, and for Baden and the people of PNG; for our deacons and priests, and for Bishop Trevor,
with love and prayers,

from the Pewsheet for the Third Sunday of Easter. 15th April 2018

Prayer of the day
Lord of life, by submitting to death, you conquered the grave; by being lifted upon the cross,
you draw all peoples to you; by being raised from the dead,
you restore to humanity all that was lost through sin:
be with us in your risen power,
that in word and deed we may proclaim the marvellous mystery of death and resurrection. 
For all praise is yours, now and throughout eternity.

This Coming week, Easter Four, 22nd April 2018:
[nb: note that the link for the first letter of John is:]

Presiding and Preaching: Rev'd Canon Scott
Sidesperson: Tim
Liturgical Assistant: Elizabeth
Readers: Shane
Welcomer: Helen 
Sidespeople: Fred  & Hardy
Music: Colin
Liturgical Assistant:  Sarah
Readers:  Fred ,  Linda
Chalice Servers: Hardy & Volunteer
Morning tea: Alison & Rosemary
For those in need:
Elizabeth; Pat & Colin; Fred & Erika; Roger & Chris; James & Brian; Cath & daughter Bronwyn; Grace; Roberta; Margaret & Claude; Barbara.
The repose of the soul of Brenton and for his family and friends.
Those we remember:
Brenton (10/4/18); Ken (14/4/01); Irene (17/4/04); Noel (18/4/70).
Include in your prayers too great thanks for the ministry of our Deacon Robin at Northbourne Community.
Pray for the people who have been ministered to, and those who have ministered.
Much more about Robin's ministry is in

The Servant Ministry of Jesus: Twenty years of a renewed diaconal ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn
This book tells the story of the redevelopment of diaconal ministry in the diocese of Canberra & Goulburn from 1996 to 2016.
There are 17 copies left at St Mark's. There should be one in the parish library.

Sermon from last week:

" Putting the Bible into the hands of the uninitiated is both a wonderful and fearful thing - "...
Martin also mentioned that he would be using The Prince of Egypt in this year's confirmation classes. (It is on Netflix if that means more to you than it does to me!)
There are many stories on both the ABC and the Anglican News
Baden (previously from St Pips)  is about three hours drive (on bad roads) from Mt Hagen. The earthquakes in Papua New Guinea are continuing.
ABM online appeal:
ABC Religion and Ethics
Rethinking King, Unthinking Service: From Faith to Pilgrimage.  By  Paul C. Taylor    12 Apr 2018

"I've been invited here to help carry the weighty burden of reflecting on the unfinished work of Martin Luther King.

Taking up this burden puts me in mind of a moment in one of King's later sermons, the one usually published under the title, "Why Jesus Called a Man a Fool."

Dr King delivered this sermon in August of 1967, and took a moment then to address the question of his worldly ambitions. Here is what he said:
    "All that I do in civil rights I do because I consider it a part of my ministry.
I have no other ambitions in life but to achieve excellence in the Christian ministry.
I don't plan to run for any political office. I don't plan to do anything but remain a preacher."

I want to dwell for a moment on this remarkable assertion...."
Paul Taylor finishes: "Martin King's life has become a monument. It should be a command."
Quickly  have a look for what Taylor writes about servant ministry. Good in the light of our contemplations on Maundy Thursday.

"...The cathedral was all-but destroyed in a 2011 earthquake. The diocese’s property trust wanted to replace the building with a modern purpose-built construction; but faced a series of unsuccessful legal challenges from campaigners who wanted the old building reinstated. Last year, after a lengthy consultation and a promise of funds from campaigners and local and national government, the diocesan synod voted to go ahead with re-instatement rather than replacement..."
“It’s business as usual, folks, with the wealthy and the powerful telling you, the people of the province of Canterbury, that they know best. Good luck with that.”  

“Looking back on her 10 years' service, most people will remember the earthquakes and the cathedral debate,” Christchurch diocesan spokesperson Jo Bean told Anglican Taonga. “Perhaps fewer realise that she was bearing the burdens of hundreds of Cantabrians whose parishes, vicarages, churches and halls were left stricken by the quakes. And fewer still will know that the Bishop lived for much of her time in Christchurch in a sleep-out, because her own home had to be demolished. ..."
I met an elderly couple in the Cathedral in Goulburn a year or so after the Christchurch earthquake. They had moved to Goulburn when they could no longer stand the aftershocks and the not knowing if any one of them would be another big one.
Bishop Victoria is returning to Canada. Canon Scott has heard of a possible place for her.
and for those who want some poetry! Found for the month of April on my Leunig Calendar...


Q. How would you describe yourself?
A.L. Dead, I suppose. Finished.

Q. How did this happen?
A.L. I just couldn't hold on any longer.
     I let go and down I fluttered. It felt O.K.
     My work was done. I'd had enough.

Q. You mean you couldn't take it anymore?
A.L. No, I mean I was satisfied. I'd had a
     good enough life. I guess I was happy.
Q. What were the high points?
A.L. I can't remember. It was all pretty good.
Q. Any advice to the readers?
A.L. No. Not really.
Q. Thank you.
A.L.  My pleasure.

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