Monday, January 18, 2010

internet nanny?,139023754,339300452,00.htm?omnRef=1337&omnRef=1337

Canon Dr Ray Cleary writes about the proposed net nanny internet filter. It reflects a conversation in the car this afternoon about who is responsible for road safety? So often these days governments (state governments usually) are blamed for not fixing the road. But you fix the road and we drive faster, so maybe the danger level stays the same! Drive to the conditions is not said often enough.

Dr Cleary is the head of Anglicare Victoria. he writes:

"Some commentators may fear an over-regulated nanny-state or Big Brother scenario, but I fear too many Australians are coming to rely on government restrictions in place of family and community values and expectations.
We demand a progressive democracy, but are shying away from the responsibility of ensuring those around us exercise their rights conscientiously without being exploitative or degrading of other members of the community."
Dr Cleary also asks: "what are the safety nets and accountability structures in place to prevent present and future governments censoring a range of political views, opinions and expressions which they find politically unacceptable...?" This is a question that I also have about ASIO's security findings on asylum seekers. Their adverse findings on refugees are very few, but who do they actually answer to? Does the minister or the Prime Minister have a final say on who is deemed a security risk? Their is no way to appeal the finding, there is no arbitrator. It is a final and terrible judgement.

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